
MStack Exchange

In the TON Planets game, every Martian can tap into the universal resource exchange.

The MStack Exchange within the game serves as a platform where players can trade by placing bids to buy or sell resources.

When a player mines or creates resources, they can sell them on the MStack Exchange for the in-game currency or buy needed resources from other players. Transactions can be executed instantly (“market orders”) or through delayed orders to buy or sell.

Remember, there’s a regulator on the exchange that always offers items at the optimal market price. This way, players can always buy or sell resources at the most advantageous rate.

The MStack Exchange features several tabs with distinct functions:

  1. “All” tab: Displays all available resources on the exchange, with the most favorable positions closer to the center, along with the price difference between buying and selling (spread).
  2. “Sell” and “Buy” tabs: Let you view sell and buy orders for the selected resource, showcasing the best prices at the top of the list.
  3. “Yours” tab: Shows all the orders you’ve placed on the exchange – both for selling and buying. From here, you can cancel outdated orders and monitor locked resources and transactions.
  4. “Transactions” tab: Provides info about closed deals based on your orders in chronological order.
  5. “Orders” tab: Shows the latest exchange transactions. For a quick market-price deal, a player just needs to choose a resource, hit the “Sell” or “Buy” tab, and indicate the desired amount of resources they want to sell or buy.

You can also create delayed orders to buy or sell resources at a better price. The order will be executed when another player strikes a deal based on your order or when there are existing orders that meet your criteria.

Keep in mind, toggling “Sell at Best Prices” lets a player instantly sell a required amount of resources at the best prices available in the market.

There are resources like oil, gas, gold, silver, titanium, zinc, and aluminum that are traded on the exchange without the regulator’s involvement. Prices for these resources are governed by the market itself.

There are also resources that can be obtained from various deposits and careers. The prices of these resources depend on the market’s condition and demand for them.

TON Planets Mars is an economic simulator, and many features and mechanics might still be in the works. However, every resource in the game holds its value, and its utilization can be beneficial not only within the project but beyond its boundaries as well.

London, United Kingdom